04. The Minimax Algorithm

# The Minimax Algorithm

The Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach (AIMA) textbook provides the following pseudocode for the minimax algorithm. As Thad presents the concept in lectures, you'll also work through coding exercises to implement this algorithm. Then you'll complete a project to build an agent using this algorithm to play a more complex version of the game.

Note: It is also common to see minimax presented as a simply recursive function, or other variants like negamax. However, we will adhere to the version from the AIMA text in this exercise, because it separates the functionality for handling the min level and max level nodes (which makes it easier to test), and it more explicitly shows that you only need to choose a move from the root node -- all other children nodes only need to return a value.

The minimax search algorithm as shown in Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach, 3rd edition.

The minimax search algorithm as shown in Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach, 3rd edition.